Brittany’s Britney For Halloween

We dying for Brittany’s Britney!! To see more head over to @brittcrosby on Instagram. TPF Cosmetics used are P2, Y5 Picture Perfect Foundation, Honey Pot loose powder.
*Morning Fog Eyeshadow (brows)
*Snow Storm Eyeshadow
*Tiara Eyeshadow
*Medium Contour
*Doll Face Blush
*Cameo Lipliner
*Hush Your Mouth Liquid Lipstick
*Pinky Lipgloss
*Morning Fog Eyeshadow (brows)
*Snow Storm Eyeshadow
*Tiara Eyeshadow
*Medium Contour
*Doll Face Blush
*Cameo Lipliner
*Hush Your Mouth Liquid Lipstick
*Pinky Lipgloss